
What’s the Difference Between SMS vs MMS?

Updated March 3rd, 2025

“What does SMS stand for?” In short, SMS is an abbreviation that stands for Short Message Service, which is another name for a text message.

Even if you already know what SMS is, you may be confused when it comes to understanding the difference between SMS vs MMS. The simplest way to understand the difference is that SMS refers to text messages, while MMS refers to messages with a picture or video.

Understanding the breakdown of SMS vs MMS messages and their differences will give you more insight into how to best connect with your customers, as well as which mass text messaging service is best for your business.

What is SMS?

An SMS is a text message. SMS (short message service) was developed in the 1980s and is one of the oldest texting technologies. It’s the most widely used format for texting, despite a growing number of alternate ways to communicate.

While you might refer to a variety of message types as a “text” in your daily life, the difference is that an SMS message contains only text (no pictures or videos) and is limited to 160 characters. iMessages aren’t text messages, even though most people usually refer to them as such. Someone with iMessage turned on can still send SMS and MMS messages, but the outgoing message will appear green instead of blue.

Frequently Asked Questions About SMS Messages

What is MMS?

MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service. You can think of it as an enhancement to the standard SMS message. The main difference between SMS and MMS is that you can send multimedia in your messages. This includes media such as videos, pictures, audio clips, GIFs, and more. Additionally, MMS allows up to 1600 characters of text in your message—10x more than a standard SMS.

Frequently Asked Questions About MMS Messages

MMS vs SMS: A Side-By-Side Comparison

When comparing MMS vs SMS, it’s easiest to understand visually. In the image below, you can see that an SMS message contains only text, while an MMS image contains both text and an image that goes along with the text.

The below image is based on an iPhone screen, but when comparing SMS vs MMS, Android, iPhone, and other smartphones follow the same pattern.


Pros and Cons of SMS vs MMS

There are advantages and disadvantages to SMS and MMS. One may be better or more effective than another depending on the use case or your intended result. Keep reading to understand when you should send an SMS vs MMS.

Advantages of SMS

Disadvantages of SMS

Advantages of MMS

Disadvantages of MMS

Cost Differences Between MMS vs SMS

MMS messages always cost more, no matter what automated texting software you’re using. This is because it requires the carriers to send more data than a standard SMS message. While pricing can vary from service to service, MMS marketing will use two to three times the number of text message credits that a single text would use. This will vary depending on your business texting plan size.

For example, if you are on a plan that gives you 1,000 text messages per month and you have 200 people on your text messaging list, an SMS message to your entire list would use 200 of those 1,000 messages.

If you were to send an MMS message to that same list, it would use 400 to 600 messages, depending on the plan that you have.

You might ask yourself, “Is MMS really worth the additional cost?

Consider this…

MMS marketing campaigns, on average, boast 15% to 20% higher engagement levels than traditional SMS messages.Click To Tweet MMS messages are almost 10 times more likely to be shared with friends or through other social media channels. At the end of the day, it still comes back to your use case and what makes sense on a case-by-case basis.

One other factor that will affect the price of SMS and MMS is whether or not you’re sending messages from a short code or standard 10-digit number. An SMS short code is a 5- to 6-digit phone number that is used for sending mass text messages. Short codes are the go-to option when looking to send volumes of texts greater than 500 in a single blast. Because they are built to handle high volumes, the cost for messaging is naturally higher. Currently, most SMS marketing software services use short codes by default.

Should I Use SMS vs MMS?

Now that you’ve answered “What is SMS?” and “What is MMS?” it’s time to decide which type of message is best for you. Choosing between SMS vs MMS requires you to understand what your end users are more likely to engage with and what your use case is. Do you need to communicate a quick message and have people follow a link? If so, SMS may be the right choice. If you’re looking to really grab their attention, can afford the additional cost, and need to show something visually, MMS is the way to go.

Ultimately, what’s most important is measuring your results and making adjustments to fine-tune your strategy and get the best ROI possible. Most SlickText users send a mix of SMS and MMS messages to balance their costs and engagement.

SMS Messaging Use Cases

Since SMS has a character limit, it’s best to use it for shorter alerts, time-sensitive details, or conversational marketing.

Some SMS use cases include:

MMS Messaging Use Cases

MMS messages are attention-grabbing — especially considering the higher engagement and sharing rates compared to SMS. You should use MMS for messages with high traffic potential or particularly important information.

Some MMS use cases include:

Send SMS & MMS Messages with SlickText

SlickText is the best text messaging service for business, both in the SMS marketing and MMS marketing space. Whether you’re looking to use SMS or MMS for marketing or simple mass text message communications, we have a platform that is powerful, easy-to-use, and affordable.

If you’re exploring different messaging solutions and want to speak to a real person about your options, don’t hesitate to reach out. We pride ourselves on having the friendliest team in tech, and we’d love to help you.