
Data Shows How to Recover Abandoned Carts Using SMS

Updated April 22, 2024

If you run an ecommerce business, there’s a good chance you’re missing out on sales every day. The culprit? Abandoned carts.

Statistics gathered by the Baymard Institute show 70.19% of 2024 ecommerce shoppers abandon their carts. That means most of your potential sales are falling into an abandoned cart black hole — and recovering even a small fraction of these cart abandonments can have a major impact on your company’s bottom line.

What if improving your revenue was as easy as introducing a text message marketing service to recover abandoned carts? That might sound too good to be true, but the data speaks for itself: the right text can earn up to a 58% recovery rate when it comes to abandoned carts online.

It takes a lot of energy and resources to get customers to put an item in their cart. With text marketing, you could retain up to two-thirds of those who wouldn’t otherwise complete the checkout process. 

Here’s what we’ve found out about abandoned cart rates, plus tips on how to start recovering your lost sales.

Average abandoned cart rate

Just how big of a problem are abandoned carts, anyway? According to the Baymard Institute, that number varies by device. Here’s the breakdown:

Shoppers abandon their carts for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the common causes for abandoned carts:

Even though statistics compiled by Statista show 31% of those who abandon carts will return to purchase from your website at a later date, 26% actually purchase from a competitor. Increasing your abandoned cart recovery rate is essential to growing your ecommerce store and outpacing the competition.

Our customer data on abandoned carts

Between June 2019 and July 2019 we gathered internal data from our clients who use a feature that sends abandoned cart text messages to people who didn’t complete their purchases on Shopify sites. Here are our findings. 

1. $156,915 recovered in 30 days

We looked at a customer of ours who had 20% recovery rate during the 30-day period stated above. They were able to capture $156,915 in revenue in that period.  

That’s a significant revenue boost that was secured just by programming an automatic texting campaign. 

How did they do it? By sending automated texts encouraging customers to return to their cart to complete the sale. Statistics show that people are addicted to their smartphones, so a text is almost guaranteed to be seen — instantly. Texts can include a link to each individual’s cart so that as much friction is removed from the process as possible for the end user. 

2. Nearly 2 out of 3 lost sales recovered

One client’s success was so pronounced they saw 58% of their abandoned carts recovered. That means about two out of every three people who walked away from their carts returned after receiving a text reminding them to finish their purchase. 

What goes into a success like this? 

3. Works for stores of all sizes

Just to make sure there wasn’t something unique about ecommerce stores with high sales volumes, we also looked at clients who have a much smaller monthly sales volume. We were able to determine that when they use the same strategies they see levels of success that are on par with our larger clients. 

4. Avoid common mistakes

Not every client who used this tool saw success of the same magnitude. The average recovery rate is between 17% and 20% and can be used in addition to other revenue-building strategies. Among those who are not maximizing the full potential of using broadcast texts to recover abandoned carts, here are some of the common mistakes we see:

Recover Abandoned Carts with SlickText

Ready to start recovering abandoned carts and stop missing out on sales? Get started today for free with SlickText.