SlickText Help Center

How Do I Add Another Textword to My Account?

For this question, there are two possible answers. Let's get specific about what the question is really asking.


1.)  How do I create another textword?

Answer:  Once logged into your SlickText account, find the Textwords tab located at the top. From here, there will be an option at the top right to "Create a New Textword." (This takes into account that there is a textword available to use).

Note:  By deleting one your current textwords, you will then be credited back with the option to create a new textword. Deleting a textword completely wipes out all contacts and settings of said textword. Use this option only if you are fully confident that the textword is not needed.


2.)  How do I add more textwords to my plan size?

Answer:  Each plan comes with a set number of Texwords, however, you can request more at no additional cost. To request additional textwords, simply reach out to our support team and let them know how many additional Textwords you need to have added to your account.

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