resources for

Receive texts with mental health and well-being support, written by nurses, for nurses.

Example text

Nurses are great at looking after others – but who cares for the
well-being of nurses?

That job falls to organizations like the American Nurses Foundation. With their newest initiative, nurses across the country can receive well-being resources via text message.


Thanks for joining!

Please respond to the confirmation text message we sent you.

What text messages will I be getting?

Through generous local and national donations the Arizona Foundation for the Future of Nursing (AzFFN), with support from the American Nurses Foundation, has created short text messages to send to nurses. These text messages include:

High value messaging

Every message is designed by nurses for nurses and focuses on short resources and encouragement that can make an impact in the daily lives of nurses.

Short, direct messages

Each message is to the point. They can be as simple as affirmations or a link to something that’s good and happy and happening in the healthcare world.


Text messages are sent every couple of days, letting nurses know there’s always someone there for them.

Why is this needed?

AzFFN realized the need to connect nurses with mental health resources and support, something that became increasingly important throughout the pandemic. Nurses are often too busy to care for themselves and are unaware of many resources designed to help them.

The Arizona Nurses Association ran a trial texting project
in late 2020 and found:


of nurses found the text messaging resources useful for improving their well-being.


of nurses had incorporated the resources into their daily life.

Nurses also commented that they liked the "direct text, rather than an app or website," and that the texts are "there in my messages for easy access if I need them now or later."

Who are the text messages coming from?

The messages are coming from the Arizona Foundation for the Future of Nursing (AzFFN)
with support from the American Nurses Foundation.